piątek, 29 sierpnia 2014

Tart with fresh fruit and cream / Tarta z surowymi owocami na kremie śmietankowym

Today we have a ladies' night. Cake, wine, coffee and gossips. Today is my turn, so I prepared a tart with fruit and cream. The cake is topped with a jelly made from white, dessert wine- Sauternes.

Tart with fresh fruit and cream
2 cups of regular wheat flour
200g of cold butter
3tbs of sugar
1 egg yolk
2 tbs of vodka
Pinch of salt

czwartek, 21 sierpnia 2014

Chocolate cake (without flour) / Ciasto czekoladowe (bez mąki)

I am not really a mad fan of Nigella Lawson's recipes. I don't buy all these baked cocktail sausages, chicken baked with sausage, or beef casseroles. But I have to admit that her recipes for chocolate cake and creme brûlée are genius! So, today cake- creme brûlée will be posted another time- for sure!


środa, 20 sierpnia 2014

Sweet potato frittata / Placuszki ze słodkich ziemniaków

This starter is a different version of the regular potato frittata. We don't eat the regular version too often because of the high glycemic index (65-95, depending on how you make them). Sweet potatoes have lower IG (50) and are rich in carotene.

sobota, 9 sierpnia 2014

Letnia zupa pomidorowa / Summer tomato soup

It' Andrzej's favorite. Very often I hear that Andrzej didn't have it for years (he believes so) and that I have to stop making empty promises and just cook it. So today I asked for a written confirmation that I served it. I heard that confirmation will be issued after another seven servings.
The tomatoes are in season now so I decided to used them.

Summer tomato soup
1,5kg ripe, fleshy tomatoes, (I use the Roma tomato)
Slightly more than 0.5l of chicken broth (or vegetable)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 big clove of garlic
1 flat tsp, spicy paprika powder

czwartek, 7 sierpnia 2014

Creamy chanterelle soup / Zupa krem z kurek

In Poland, chanterelle mushrooms are in season from late June. They are really tasty and add amazing flavor to dishes. Chanterelles go well with meat, fish, vegetable and of course scrambled eggs. In Malaga it's possible to buy them even at the end of December. In Spain you can also buy a mushroom that is very similar to chanterelle (darker, almost black and slimmer), it's called Black Trumpet. From the literature I know that they also grow in Polish woods but I have never seen them. They are quite popular in Andalusia. If I have a chance I will cook something with them. I'm really curious of the flavor. Today, creamy soup with well known chanterelle:

wtorek, 5 sierpnia 2014

Cocktail a la Bellini / Koktajl a la Bellini

We made use of all the ripe peaches and we have prepared Bellini cocktail. The real version of this cocktail is a mix of Champagne and white peach mousse. I used the Spanish sparkling wine, Cava, "Codorniu Anna" and I mixed it with the Doughnut, white peaches. To improve the color you can add a few drops of Grenadine or cherry syrup (without these it also looks and tastes great). 

Proportions: mix 1 part of the mousse with 2 parts of sparkling wine.

Wykorzystaliśmy sytuację, że są już dojrzałe brzoskwinie i przygotowaliśmy sobie koktajl Bellini. W tytule jest „a la” ponieważ prawdziwy koktajl o tej nazwie oznacza mieszankę szampana i musu z miąższu białych brzoskwiń. Ja użyłam hiszpańskiego wina musującego cava „ Codorniu Anna ” i zmiksowałam płaskie brzoskwinie o białym miąższu. Aby kolor był ładniejszy można dodać parę kropli grenadyny lub soku wiśniowego. Bez tego też jest pyszny i wygląda ładnie.

Proporcje: na 1 część musu przypadają 2 części wina musującego.